


This package offers the core functionalities of Buny. It provides set of events, app module, and many other utilities.


To install the package, run the following command:

npm install @buny/core

Peer Dependencies

This package requires the following peer dependencies:


import App, {Init, Start} from "@buny/core";
class MyServer extends App {
  init() {
    // create server
  start() {
    // start server
await MyServer.bootstrap();



The App class is the main class that can be extended by your app and bootstrapped.

static bootstrap(): Promise<void>

This method bootstraps the application by resolving the application class and calling the event methods.


When app is bootstrapped, it goes through a series of events. The following events are available:

  • BeforeInit - Called before the application is initialized

  • OnInit - Called when the application is initialized

  • AfterInit - Called after the application is initialized

  • BeforeStart - Called before the application is started

  • OnStart - Called when the application is started

  • AfterStart - Called after the application is started

  • BeforeShutdown - Called before the application is shutdown

  • OnShutdown - Called when the application is shutdown

  • AfterShutdown - Called after the application is shutdown


The following decorators are available:

  • BeforeInit - Marks a method as a event method that is called before the application is initialized

  • Init - Marks a method as a event method that is called when the application is initialized

  • AfterInit - Marks a method as a event method that is called after the application is initialized

  • BeforeStart - Marks a method as a event method that is called before the application is started

  • Start - Marks a method as a event method that is called when the application is started

  • AfterStart - Marks a method as a event method that is called after the application is started

  • BeforeShutdown - Marks a method as a event method that is called before the application is shutdown

  • Shutdown - Marks a method as a event method that is called when the application is shutdown

  • AfterShutdown - Marks a method as a event method that is called after the application is shutdown